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Pennsylvania Society

Continental Congress Chapter 
               of York, Pennsylvania                      
                                           representing Adams, Lancaster and York counties in
south central Pennsylvania.                                                

"The Sons of the American Revolution is the leading male lineage society that perpetuates the ideals of the American War for Independence.  As a historical, educational, and patriotic, non-profit corporation, we seek to maintain and expand the meaning of patriotism, respect for our national symbols, the value of American citizenship, and the unifying force of "e pluribus unum" that was created from the people of many nations -- one nation and one people."
2022 CCCSAR Chapter Officers


    1) CHAPTER MEETING:    Saturday, March 11, 2023, 12 Noon, at the Country Club of York, York, PA.

    2) CHAPTER MEETING:    Saturday, June 10, 2023, 12 Noon, at the Country Club of York, York, PA.

      3) CHAPTER MEETING:    Saturday, Sept. 16, 2023, 12:30pm, PICNIC, at the Bass Pavilion, William Kain County Park, York, PA.

      4) CHAPTER MEETING:  Saturday, December 9, 2023, 12 Noon, at the Country Club of York, York, PA.

Please contact President Russell L. Mills., if you would like to attend or would like information on joining.

The Second Continental Congress met in York Pennsylvania from September 30, 1777 until June 27, 1778.
The second Continental Congress met in York Pennsylvania from September 30, 1777 until June 27, 1778.
2022 - 2023 Chapter Officers

Russell L. Mills

  1st Vice President:
    Edward T. Kopsick

   Joseph M. Clark    

Registrar & Genealogist:
    Michael E. Seibert

Russell L. Mills


    Thomas K. Gibson

  Board of Management - Term 2022 -2023
The Articles of Confederation were adopted while the Congress was meeting in York.
    The Articles of Confederation were adopted while the Congress was meeting in York.  The Board of Management for the Term 2021-2023 includes all the above elected Officers,
  all past presidents remaining active with the Chapter, and three at-large elected board members.

                All OFFICERS – Term 2022-2023

                FORMER PRESIDENTS:

                Joseph B. McMullen, F.P. CCC & PASSAR

                Frank Grove, F.P. CCC

                Guy C. Lisowski, F.P. CCC

                Richard McGeary, F. P. CCC

                Joseph T. Coleman, F.P. CCC

                Michael E. Seibert, F.P. CCC

                AT-LARGE: –

                Rev. Gene R. Stuckey

                William S. Johnson

                David C. Brady


  Finance & Audit:

  Richard A. McGeary

Flag & Webmaster:

   Thomas K. Gibson

Non Member Awards:
  Richard A. McGeary (Adams County)
  David C. Brady          (York County)
  G. Edward LeFevre    (Lancaster County)
   Edward T, Kopsick   (Regional)

The First National Thanksgiving Proclamation from York.

 First ThanksgivingGraves & Memorials:
  Richard A. McGeary

 CAR / DAR & Picnic:
   Joseph B. McMullen

 Member Awards:


We usually meet four times a year in the York area.  
The annual meeting is at the Country Club of York, with the summer picnic at one of the county parks.

Here are links to the SAR Eagle Scout Award competition at the national and state levels.
The Continental Congress Chapter of the PASSAR can provide speakers for your group on related subjects.    

The SAR is a "lineage" society. This means that each member has traced their family tree back to an ancestor who supported the cause of American Independence during the years 1774-1783.  Ladies, please consider joining the DAR, children can join the CAR.

Do You Have an American Patriot Ancestor?

If you already know that you have such an ancestor, then you may want to continue on to our "Why We Join" page or even go straight to our "Where to Start" page.

If you aren't sure whether any of your ancestors lived in the United States during the Revolution, don't lose heart.  Many people who never set foot in the United States supported the American colonists struggle against British domination -- for example the king of Spain.  Many patriots (or their descendants moved to foreign lands and their descendants moved back later, not knowing their ancestors were here before.   Many French, German, and Spanish soldiers and sailors fought in support of American independence and returned home without making their descendants aware of their participation in gaining American independence.

      Please join us at our next meeting. 

CCCSAR Member Dave Brady presents four Eagle Scout certificates.

Information on joining with member forms.

Former Graves Registrar, Guy C. Lisowski 
and Historian, Thomas K. Gibson
plant a flag at the grave of York native
Declaration of Independence signer James Smith.



Compatriots Joseph Clark, Edward Kopsick, and Russell Mills manned an information table.

Members of Continental Congress Chapter were on hand to recognize Emory Arnold Henz of Troop 86 in Fawn Grove

n his promotion to Eagle Scout on March 12. For his Eagle Scout Project, Emory led a team to construct a cedar, 3 unit,
gated composting bin for Eden Mill Park, Pylesville, Maryland. The bins were built next to the park’s vegetable gardens
and will be used by the Master Gardeners to continue working towards growing vegetables for donation to local food banks.
Compatriots Edward Kopsick, Joseph Clark and David Brady were on hand for the event.

The Honoranle Michael R. Helfrich, Mayor of the City of York, Pennsylvania.

The Continental Congress Chapter introduced and demonstrated 
the patriotism and education-focus of the SAR to approximately 
300 visitors at the Articles of Confederation Day event at the 
York Colonial Courthouse on November 12, 2022. 
Compatriots Joseph Clark, Edward Kopsick, and Russell Mills 
manned an information table. Complimentary ink pens, 
small American Flags, information brochures, as well as 
business cards, were offered to the public. 
Compatriot Thomas Gibson served famously, again, as the Towne Cryer.

The Honorable Michael R. Helfrich, Mayor, City of York, Pennsylvania

Mayor Helfrich delivered a passionate talk on Thomas Paine at our March quarterly meeting. 

Past Presidents - Continental Congress Chapter

Pennsylyania Society -  Sons of the American Revolution  

  1. Robert M. Gosner, Jr., Esq. 2020 – 2021

  2. Michael E. Seibert 2018 – 2019

  3. Joseph T. Coleman 2016 – 2017

  4. Richard A. McGeary 2014 – 2015

  5. Guy C. Lisowski  2012 – 2013

  6. Joseph B. McMullen + 2007 – 2011

  7. Howard A. Mayo, Jr. 2005 – 2006

  8. J. Fenwick Shugrue 1999 – 2004

  9. John C. Fralish, Jr. 1998

  10. Franklin R. Grove, Jr. 1996 – 1997

  11. Loyal H. Rohrbaugh 1994 – 1995

  12. Dean M. Garrett 1992 – 1993

  13. Charles A. Fink, Sr, 1990 – 1991

  14. John E. Craig 1989

  15. Dean M. Garrett 1987 – 1988

  16. Richard L. Young 1985 – 1986

  17. Benjamin Catchings 1983 – 1984

  18. J. Arthur Wolfe 1981 – 1982

  19. Jennings B. Collins 1980

  20. Donald K. Weiser 1979

  21. Albert C. Dudrear, Jr., P.E. 1977 – 1978

  22. Charles H. Hostetter 1976

  23. Auburn V. Thompson 1975

  24. Clarence R. Rupp, Jr. 1973 – 1974

  25. C. Mervin Kaltreider 1972

  26. Dr. John A. Dunkelberger 1970 – 1971

  27. J. Kermit Herter 1969

  28. Dr. William C. Langston 1968

  29. Lowell W. Williams 1966 – 1967

  30. John E. Hostetter 1964 – 1965

  31. Karl E. Katz + 1962 – 1963

  32. Clarence R. Rupp, Sr. 1960 – 1961

  33. George K. Seacrist 1959

  34. Landon C. Reisinger 1957 – 1958

  35. Oscar L. Hostetter 1956

  36. Capt. Fitzhugh McMasters + 1954 – 1955

  37. John E. Gunnet 1952 - 1953

  38. William A. Long 1952

  39. George M. Neeley, Jr. 1951

  40. Earl M. Schroeder 1949 – 1950

+ Past President, Pennsylvania Society Sons of the American Revolution 

2023 York SAR Honor Guard

2020 York SAR Honor Guard

Website © 2023